Summer School: Summer School has started at the high school. Just a reminder, we are running Summer School through our local BOCES and students from West Genesee, Solvay, Westhill, Marcellus, and Onondaga Central are being served. All of the Town of Camillus camps are also underway at our various buildings, so if you are driving by and the parking lots look as full as a regular school day, there is a reason!
Communications Recognition: I would also like to take a moment to congratulate Bonnie Russell, Karen Piccioni and Sharon Seeley. Bonnie is in charge of our publications and Karen and Sharon both work in the District Office to help support all of our top administrators. Recently we learned that this blog, my Twitter feed, and our Facebook page all received National awards through the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). There were very few other blogs, Twitter feeds, and Facebook pages selected throughout the country so I would like to thank Bonnie, Karen, and Sharon for their support and help in editing and formatting Facebook and the blog. Twitter comes straight from my phone to you, so if you ever see a typo it is because it did not have a chance to get through my eagle eye staff. Congratulations!
Redistricting Update: I am in the beginning stages of assembling our redistricting transition team, and the purpose of the team will be primarily to help us design activities, communication strategies, and events to make the redistricting plan as smooth as possible. Families that will be impacted by redistricting in 2012-13 will receive a formal letter from me later this month.
Continue to enjoy these nice days, and I will post again in about two weeks.