Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't Get Too Excited

We have been tracking the latest budget news coming out of both Washington and Albany and the bottom line is that we will be making few, if any any, changes to our existing budget package. We are not confident that the monies that we are being promised (approximately $1.5M) will actually be delivered, and if they are delivered, for how long.

We believe that the global economic crisis will last two to three years minimum so the correct approach is to see what additional money actually arrives and then "feather" that money out to avoid having to make deeper cuts than we had to this year. I also believe that we will be able to restore in some fashion at least field trips, and some equipment, materials, and supplies. For the record, we have reduced our workforce by 11.4 positions but were able to retain our teaching staff due to other retirements, resignations, and terminations.

It has been fun watching classes launch rockets, perform plays and concerts, and prepare for Open Houses. I am really looking forward to the Diversity Fair being held this Saturday at the high school as well as being able to check out a few lacrosse and softball/baseball games while it is still light out!

My next post will be made soon and will include information about some directions that we will be heading into this Summer as we prepare for next school year.

Take care.