Sunday, April 10, 2011

And Now the Feds...

The week before Spring break is always interesting. Students and staff are itchy to get a week off before the final push toward the end of the school year. The weather should be nice, and I think that we can all use a little breather. Most of us will be working to finish the budget, prepare items for the vote in May, and begin planning for exams and graduation. 

We will also be picking up the pieces surrounding all of the reductions that we have to make for next year in response to the Governor's budget. We are in the process now of waiting to see how much is cut from the Federal budget for education and also waiting to move past the budget vote on May 17 to assemble groups of people to try and figure out new and different ways to provide the services that we have had to reduce. We will find answers to most of the challenges that lie ahead, but the key is to think differently.

Have a great week, and I hope to be able to post again before Spring break.
