Prom season is upon us and our own junior prom was held on Friday night. It was a beautiful affair. My wife and I have chaperoned seventeen proms since we have been together and this one was special because it was the first prom for our oldest son. Out of respect for him and his date our trip to the prom was much shorter than in previous years but the tuxes, dresses, and food were outstanding.
It was interesting to see how students react to different types of music. One year they played Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Beach Boys, and Elton John (no it wasn't 1974) and the kids gravitated to the the dance floor. This year when Tom Petty came on everyone took a break to get some food, and when the Black Eyed Peas came on you couldn't fit another person on the dance floor.
I would like to the thank all of the organizers, volunteer chaperones, and administrators for a great evening. The senior ball is right around the corner on May 13.
My wife and I had the opportunity to attend the SALT Awards last evening. SALT stands for Syracuse Area Live Theater Awards and they were held at the Palace Theater across town. It was my pleasure to hand out an award and I was most intrigued by the dress code. Some of the guys were in tuxes and some were in jeans or shorts, while some of the ladies had flowing gowns and some had capri shorts. All in all, everyone seemed to have a good time and the event just shows how much artistic talent there is in Syracuse.
This week is packed with games and concerts as well as two budget presentations, one on Tuesday night in the high school large group instruction room and one on Wednesday night before our regular Board meeting in the high school library. If you have any lingering questions about the budget you can get all of your answers at these meetings, or you can just call me to talk about it.
Have a wonderful week and I hope to see you at one of our several events.