Thursday, March 8, 2012


I wanted to publish one last post about the status of our bomb threat investigation before we move on to other things. As you know from my previous postings, we received notification that a high school specific bomb threat had been written on a bathroom wall in the high school on Tuesday, March 6. As a result of a thorough investigation, the person responsible for that threat was arrested on Wednesday, March 7.

Also on Wednesday, March 7, a young lady decided to try and "copy-cat" the threat from the day before. Unfortunately for her someone walked in and saw her before the ink was dry and she was taken into custody and arrested.

I have been asked why I released the names of the students to the media. I did not. The students are both considered adults in the eyes of the law and were arrested and arraigned as adults which made their names available to the public.

Both individuals were sent to jail on $20,000 cash or $50,000 bond. They were both charged with falsely reporting an incident which is a "Class D" Felony. They will both face these charges as adults through the criminal justice system, and both will also face "Superintendent's Hearings" which is a process where suspensions of over five days are considered, and they certainly will be.

Lastly, the process of evacuating the building, bringing bomb dogs to school, having bus drivers available, the cost of lunches that were not served, as well as other items related to this issue all have costs associated with them. These costs will be calculated and each of the two individuals responsible for our school disruption will also be responsible for paying this money back to the various organizations that were involved.

The bottom line is that it really doesn't matter where you go to school or work. People can make bad decisions. In our case two people made decisions that are going to have long reaching impact for them. If you are a student reading this, please think about what has happened and do not make the same poor choices. If you are a parent reading this, please have a conversation about the impact of choices with your children.

This is the last that I will mention these events as we have much more important work to do and what happened was not glamorous, cool, or something that anyone should support. Time to move back to normal.
