Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Almost There!

Well, here we are into August which means that summer school activities will be coming to an end soon and we are deep into planning for the fall. As we prepare for the return of our students and staff, here are some quick updates:

The redistricting letters have all been mailed, so anyone being impacted should have received their letter by now.  The Frequently Asked Questions portion of our redistricting link will continue to be updated, so check that page on a regular basis. The street and map lists that are to be considered final as of Monday, August 13, have also been uploaded to the website. 

Annual Professional Performance Review:
I am working with the building principals to create goals for each building for the 2012-2013 school year.  The principals in turn will be working with classroom teachers impacted by the new evaluation system (not all teachers have to be evaluated under the new system).  The goals will center around growth areas for each building (those areas might be different by school) and will funnel back to the Strategic Plan for the District. 

Nutritional Guidelines Update:
I mentioned that there would be some menu options for you to take a look at for school lunches this year under the new nutrition guidelines, but I will have to save that for later this week or weekend because they are still being finalized. I did want to mention that a focus on wellness, allergies, and nutrition will also be a part of some of the changes that are being made in each building.  Last year East Hill Elementary School made these changes and that success will be used as a model.

That's all for now, but look for more frequent posts as we get closer to September!
