Racing for Respect: Thank you to all who were able to make it on Sunday to our 14th Annual Race for Respect. The weather was awesome and it was great to see so many people come out just to be together and have a great time. It is a good thing that we were all winners today because I was feeling happy about my under 8 minute per mile run time, until I finished and learned that Laura Leff, our rock star runner, had run the whole course twice before I finished it once. Looking forward to the 15th anniversary next year! (Click here to view a video compilation of the event that is also linked to the homepage.)
Great Week: We had another great week around the District. Thursday was a highlight because we had a rare Thursday night football game against crosstown rival CBA, and our Marching Band provided the half-time show. The weather was great and we estimated about 2,000 people on hand to see our students perform. Good stuff!
I reminded them about a link that we have right on our District home page where they could report bullying or situations that could turn into bullying. I was very pleased that a student already used that resource to report a situation that was working its way into a bullying incident. We were able to use the information to make the situation head into a different direction. As community members we are very fortunate to have the respectful and positive students that attend our schools.
Teacher Evaluations: Our teachers are continuing to work on the goals that will help to define how they are evaluated. This is creating some stress, but I am confident that our teachers will create targets that increase student achievement, and that they will do so in a way that will make them models for other schools to emulate.
Coming up this Week...This week we will be establishing our redistricting transition team meetings, finishing up open houses (West Genesee High School on Thursday), and wrapping up what has been a very successful September.
Have a wonderful week-