Hurricane Sandy Relief - Our collection efforts for those still suffering from Hurricane Sandy are going very well. Many thanks to our community for supporting this cause. We have found some schools and some areas in New York City and New Jersey that are still without power, and will not have power for up to four or five more weeks. Crazy but true. To view a listing of items being collected for Relief Kits, click here.
Cheerleaders Win Section III Title - We are very proud of our Varsity Cheerleaders. If you haven't watched our cheerleaders in the past five years or so, they have become more and more athletic to the point that their quest to be recognized as an actual sport is close to becoming a reality. I am very proud of our girls for bringing home the Section III Championship. Congratulations to these hard working young ladies, and we will see many of you during basketball and winter competition cheer season.
Tastier Menus - This week should be pretty cool. On Tuesday, a group of high school students are meeting with me and a diabetic nutritionist to talk about school lunches and menu planning. We are going to receive feedback from the students, and our nutritionist is going to have the students taste test some new menu offerings that absolutely maximize every calorie that they are allowed to have under the new Healthy Choices Program from the USDA. I am excited to see how things work out.
C.O.D.E./Camillus Optimists Honors Teachers and Youth - On Tuesday, I will be speaking to C.O.D.E. graduates at Split Rock and then head out to celebrate with our Teachers and Students of the Year. Our teachers this year are Patti Sullivan from the High School Learning Center, physical education teacher Dallas Barton from CMS, and special education teacher Pam Ciarla from East Hill Elementary School. The students are Maureen McInerney and Steven Ferguson from the high school; Lauren Cahalan and Manny Castro from CMS; and Mark Kopp and Johna Halko from WGMS. The program is sponsored by the Optimists Club, and we are very pleased to have this partnership. I look forward to helping them to be recognized.
Harvest Dinner - Wednesday is our Harvest Dinner which is a personal favorite. The students provide some great food and service, and all of the attendees get to sit and catch up with everyone. If you would like to attend the dinner, come to the High School Cafeteria 1 between 4:30-7:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.
Musical at WGMS - Friday is the West Genesee Middle School production of Yes Virginia. Our middle schools put on performances that are as good as high school productions and sell out very quickly. If you would like to attend, you can get tickets at the door. However, make sure to show up early for the Friday evening or Saturday afternoon performances so you can get a seat.
Enjoy the week and I hope to see you around at some of our many events!