I hope that all of you were able to squeeze in at least a little relaxation time over the break. It is hard to believe but we are about two months away from the end of the school year already and I am having a hard time wrapping my head around that.
Standardized Testing: As we enter what has been coined "testing time", I wanted to
take a moment to publicly answer a question that I have received many times
this school year: What do I think about standardized testing and parents
choosing to have their children opt-out of state testing?
A Parent's Right: These questions are more complicated than they seem. For starters, I think that every parent has a
right to direct and care for their children as they see fit. With that being said, I would not advise a
parent to have their child opt-out of testing. The information that the classroom teacher obtains from testing is used
to make "individualized" education plans for children. This can actually help a classroom to run
more efficiently and can help a student receive the instruction that they
need to receive instead of being blanketed with information because strength
and growth areas are not known. I will
certainly honor a parent request but would make it clear in the student record
that we as a school have had our ability to work with their child compromised
by the wishes of the parent.

Personally speaking, I think the lack of curriculum is a
larger problem than standardized tests. If we had adequate curriculum, it was taught correctly, and students were as
prepared as possible for "testing time", we would probably not be talking about
opting out of testing.
Because this is a blog and not a book, I have not touched on
the impact of the professional performance review process or the impact of the
Common Core Learning Standards on the way things "used" to be in a traditional
classroom. These are very important
topics, and I will write about them later when I have more
Have a great week!