- Senior John Clare won the Post Standard Amateur Golf Tournament. He is tied for the youngest player to win at 17 years old. Congratulations!
- We had runners at state competition.
- Our Boys Lacrosse team played for the New York State Championship. Unfortunately, they did come up short, but considering the ups and downs of their season, having an opportunity to actually play in the title game is pretty remarkable.
- East Hill, Split Rock, and Onondaga Road Elementary Schools held their mini-triathlon which was well attended.
- The Fine Arts Department held their annual awards reception that was also well attended.
- Students at the high school will be taking final exams this week
- The first high school graduation will be held at the SRC Arena at Onondaga Community College Saturday, June 15, at 1:00 p.m.
In the Future: In my next few blogs leading up to July, I will include pictures of picnics and end of the year celebrations, but I should also be able to provide some insight as to what our students will be facing academically during the upcoming school year. I think it goes without saying that our students and faculty have had to face some pretty interesting things. Once the State has had a chance to process what they did to all of us this year, the voice of reason will hopefully enter so that we can strike a better balance next year. I will keep you posted for sure.
Have a wonderful week and congratulations to our seniors!