Monday, February 2, 2015

The Beat Goes On

Welcome to February: Punxsutawney Phil, the Groundhog has decided that we will have six more weeks of winter. I appreciate his findings, but it still feels cold and snowy to me right now and six weeks feels like a long way away!

The School Year is Flying By: Today marks the beginning of the second semester at the high school, which means we are officially halfway through the school year! College acceptance letters are rolling in, spring sports and activities are right around the corner, and the high school musical is this week. The first-half of the school year was great, and I am really looking forward to what the second half has to bring.

On My Plate for the Week is: 
  • finishing the school budget for a first review, 
  • working with a very powerful committee through our Strategic Planning process, 
  • visiting classrooms, and 
  • attending a few evening meetings.  
I am also finishing up all of my phone calls and meetings with people connected to the Governor and his budget. I plan to use my blog next week to discuss anything related to education that is still in the Governor's plan.

Enjoy the week!
