Spring Athletics Update: I love baseball and if you love baseball too, you need to get out to see our varsity baseball team. With a current record of 7-0, the lineup is full of power and skillful players. They are fun to watch and just like the art show, you feel like you are watching regular semi-professional baseball.
Both boys and girls lacrosse teams are heating up as well (boys are currently undefeated) and are looking to make long post-season runs. I would also challenge you to try and hit a softball pitched by one of our girls! We have had a few girls track standouts, including Carly Benson who has the best time in NYS for the 1500m. The weather has kept me away from girls golf and boys tennis so far, but they are out there and competing, and I look forward to watching them play.
The student talent that surrounds us should never be underestimated and should always be enjoyed as well as encouraged!
Recognition Day at West Genesee: Equally talented are our employees. All of them. At West Genesee we do not follow the national individual recognition day calendar. We are all one big family. So on one day, which this year is tomorrow April 28, we have one large Staff Appreciation Day.
Our Board of Education members take a day off of work to congratulate and thank EVERY employee for their service to the District and what they do for children. It is a great day for everyone! So if you happen to run into any of our employees or Board of Education members, please take a moment to thank them for their service to our children and our school community.
Addressing Substance Abuse and Prevention: Last week I attended a community coalition centered around substance abuse and prevention in our school community. There were over twenty people in attendance including students, counselors, administrators, law enforcement, clinical organizations, and private counseling organizations. Substance abuse, and most recently heroin use, is on the rise.
Most people want the school, law enforcement, or help agencies to find people who need help. My concern has been what is actually available for people once we identify that they need help. This coalition took a great step forward in creating a plan of attack to locally help those in over their heads. Stay tuned for community forums where you can get more informed and involved.
It's Budget Time Already: By now you have hopefully received our printed Budget Edition of The Communicator. I will be presenting the budget three more times: April 27 and May 4 at the high school large group instruction room starting at 7:00 p.m. and May 6 at the high school library starting at 7:00 p.m. We invite you to attend one of these presentations to answer your questions or provide clarifications before the budget vote on May 19.
Thanks and enjoy the week!