It was also nice to see how many graduates that I know (after being here for a while now) came back to volunteer. Most even stayed and mingled with our seniors during the senior breakfast, and I was very proud of our students who showed them the respect they deserved.
The Senior Ball: How was the dance itself? Special. I have been to over 20 senior balls and this group, mature beyond their years, was just a pleasure to spend the evening with. The food was great, the music kept everyone dancing, and most importantly, everyone made it to the After the Ball Party safely.
What an After Party! By far the biggest attractions at the After the Ball Party were the hypnotist (always a crowd favorite) and a new feature which was an inflatable obstacle course about the width of our large gym. I watched as students poured into the inflatable and raced each other through the obstacles again and again. I can see that becoming a permanent part of the festivities in the future.

Olympics are Special: This Thursday, weather permitting, is one of my most favorite events, the Special Olympics. If you have never attended, it is worth the couple of hours to watch students perform their absolute best as they beam with pride. Every time I go it makes me a better person. Good luck to all contestants!
Mark Your Calendars for the Budget Vote: Please remember that tomorrow (Tuesday) is our annual school budget vote day. As a quick reminder, our budget plan falls below the Governor's tax cap, covers all efficiencies in order for community members to receive state rebate checks, and funds all of our existing programs, as long as the vote is successful. The vote is from 6:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. in the West Genesee High School auditorium lobby. Thank you for taking time out of your day to exercise your right to vote.
Days Off: Lastly, please remember that there is no school this Friday or next Monday as an observance of Memorial Day weekend.
Thanks and have a great week!