If you were away, there was a lot of activity in our athletic programs. The Town of Camillus ran several mid-winter activities for kids, our bus drivers volunteered time and expertise to take students on a field trip, and we registered over 100 kindergarten students who will be...the Class of 2029!
As we return from break and look forward to the next few weeks, we will be fine tuning the budget, finalizing master schedules for our buildings for next year, and talking with students about graduation plans.

Capital Project Update: The high school portion of our building project was approved a year earlier than expected. This is good news and hectic news at the same time. Over spring break much of the preparation necessary to work on West Genesee High, West Genesee Middle, Onondaga Road Elementary, East Hill Elementary, and Split Rock Elementary Schools will take place.
We expect ALL construction work to be completed by the end of October. In the meantime, there may be slight parking lot inconveniences, building usage changes, and more construction activity than we are used to.
Also, the BOCES summer school program will be moving to Camillus Middle School and some of the summer parks and recreation department activities will be temporarily relocated (schedule and locations to be determined). Our swimming pool availability will also be disrupted in late spring, summer, and early fall. As with any construction project, what will look at times like organized chaos will end up being a great finished product; and we thank you in advance for your patience!
Positive District Data: In looking over data for our District, I continue to be very proud that of all the schools in our area, we spend the greatest percent of our budget on instruction, our tax rate is the lowest, and as our demographics and community wealth have changed, our overall results have improved. Good stuff; and we are all a part of that success.
Thanks and enjoy the week!