Many of you may remember the "license plate game" where you would try to find as many license plates from as many different states as possible while traveling in your car. They now have an "app" for that called "States 'n' Plates" that helps to keep track of what you find. Between that and Pokemon Go, everyone seemed happy. Believe it or not, we found forty-three license plates! A hint is to pay careful attention to U-Haul trucks and eighteen wheelers.

The high school gym is beginning to look like a college gym. We have a great image of a wildcat being laid down at center court, and the student section of bleachers will have a giant "WG" inscribed that will appear when they are closed. When it is finished and we have a nice coat of wax on the floor it will be a very impressive place to play! The pool area is shaping up, and I am really proud of all the other work being done around the District as well.
I am going to be visiting every site this week, so stay tuned to my Twitter feed (@cbrownwgcsd) for the most up to date pictures.
This week is our annual Board of Education retreat, and I also plan to get back to publishing a blog post each week. You can also expect more tweets as we begin to get ready for another great school year. I hope you continue to enjoy the summer; I will see you around!