The level of sportsmanship, grit, and talent from this group is fantastic and each player, as a person, is a role model. Their Section III Championship picture will hang proudly in the entrance to the District Office. They will be losing some very valuable seniors, but they are also able to restock with experience right down to the eighth grade. Their future continues to be bright. Congratulations on a great season and thanks to the Wildcat Nation and our community for all of the support!
Festival of Bands Golden Anniversary: Fifty years is a long time for anything. Last week, the Fine Arts Department celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Festival of Bands. Each of those fifty years has been excellent, and our records show how many former performers went on to do great things in music and life. We have tremendous participation in our program, and their dedication to detail and to practice, as well as their instruction, is what separates our program from the others. The CD from the performance will be playing in my car for the next few weeks! A special thank you to Dr. Damon Talley from Louisiana State University for being a guest conductor.
Budget Time Already: We have completed and presented the 2017-2018 budget to the Board of Education. The package falls within the tax cap, preserves any incentives that might be available to homeowners, preserves programs, and adds mental health support for our middle school students and families. You can access the presentation and other budget information from our website by clicking here, Also, I will be giving the presentation again on the following dates:
April 25 - 7:00 p.m. at the High School Large Group Instruction (LGI) Room
May 3 - Budget Public Hearing - 7:00 p.m. at the High School Library
Thank you for your continued support.
We will have to see what the weather decides to do this week. Hopefully nothing, but stay tuned!
Enjoy the week-