Budget Passes: Thank you for your support on the budget vote last week. It personally means a lot, and I do not take anything for granted. I am humbled with the 85% success rate and will continue to keep our winning formula going. Also, congratulations to Board of Education members Shawn Mitchell, Neil Widrick, and James Soper for being re-elected to the Board.
Unified Basketball Season Ends this Week: Speaking of being worth your time, this week is full of opportunities. This afternoon beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the lower and upper gyms at the high school are the culminating games in the Unified Sports Basketball season. The games are competitive and fun. If you have time to stop in on the way home from work for even twenty minutes, you will be inspired for the rest of the week. I would estimate that the games and closing ceremonies should all wrap up by 7:30 p.m.
Other Events this Week: Boys and Girls Track, Girls Golf, Tennis, Boys and Girls Lacrosse, Baseball, and Softball all compete this week in sectionals; and we are excited about that.
We are also very excited for Kaleidoscope that will take place this Thursday at the Civic Center beginning at 7:30 p.m. If you have been to Kaleidoscope in the past, you know what to expect. This year will be all that, plus a couple of talents that we will be paying to see on the larger stage so I hope you have your tickets, and I will see you there!

There is School on Friday: Lastly, do not let your kids fool you into thinking that we have Friday off. Due to the number of snow days we used this year, we DO have school on Friday. That being said, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend next week and unless it is absolutely necessary, I will post again next Tuesday.
Thanks and enjoy the week!