Well, besides the storms early last evening, we really enjoyed a great weather weekend. Saturday was the West Genesee High School graduation and it turned out to be a perfect day both inside and outside of the SRC Arena. The speeches and songs were fantastic, and the students have been fantastic the past thirteen years. It was really hard to let them go, and at the same time I am excited for what lies ahead for them. Congratulations to the class of 2017!

Congratulations are also in order for our Athletics Director, Mike Burns, as well as all of our coaches and athletes. Due to their collective efforts, West Genesee was one of only two school districts (out of six hundred-ninety eight in New York State) to be announced as a New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) 2016-2017 Sportsmanship Promotion Program Banner Award Winner. We will be hanging a banner for this achievement, and we are so proud of their accomplishment.
Even though graduation is now in the rear-view, we still have many activities and events happening as we finish the school year. My week starts with the first Onondaga County Shared Services meeting for schools tonight, and then I am looking forward to joining students on some of their field trips and at some of their field days throughout the week. I am hoping the weather holds up.
Thanks for all of your support throughout the school year, and enjoy the week!