Students Inducted: First, I would like to congratulate the 19 West Genesee High School students who were inducted into the Business and Marketing Honor Society in coordination with the Business Teachers Association of NYS (BTANYS) on October 16. The inductees Ryan Segar, Devryn Rikhoff, Dan LaVine, Karsyn Plis, Haley Elsey, Kyle Petersen, Maggie Cunningham, Phoebe Nelson, John Bergan, Jack McManus, Liam Barry, Jack Corcoran, Ryan Gentilcore, James LaValle, John Galimi, James Dussing, and Alexandra Ciarla. Not pictured are inductees Brendan Bresnahan and Ryan Allen.

NYS Master Teachers are Announced: Next, we are very proud to announce that Katherine Clift (CMS Science), Gabriela Babcock (WGHS Math), and Maria Leonardo (WGHS Technology) have been named New York State Master Teachers. This article from explains what it means to be a Master Teacher, but the long and short if it is that these individuals are recognized as being the TOP math, science, and technology teachers in New York State. Kudos to them and their families, but kudos to you as well, because they are teaching OUR children! This is one of those rare cases where everyone is a winner!
Teachers of the Year: Also, Ann Davis-Allen (Split Rock Special Education), Toni Abdo (WGMS Math), and Cheryl Miedaner (WGHS Social Studies) were selected by their peers to be honored as Teachers of the Year by the Camillus Optimists Club. This is a prestigious recognition because recipients are nominated and selected by their peers. They will be formally recognized at a ceremony in early November.
Board Recognition: Last week we also recognized our Board of Education for all they do for us as employees and for the community as well. Students brought them cards and tokens of their appreciation. It was a special night for sure.
A New Partnership: Mr. Pelton, our Assistant Superintendent for Management Services, and I have been working for about a year to secure a partnership with an organization called "Work Camp".
Work Camp is a multi-denominational helping hands group consisting of approximately 400 young adults, between the ages of 14 and 20, and adult leaders. The young adults go out into the community in groups and perform home repair and modification for the disabled, people in poverty, and the elderly. They do very good work and usually set up shop in larger cities.
We were able to partner with them from June 24 through June 30 and they will be using our facilities to sleep, eat, and launch out to the jobs. This partnership means that they WANT to conduct jobs in OUR AREA. The work, including materials, is ABSOLUTELY FREE for the homeowner. They would like to have about one hundred jobs scheduled for the week. Jobs include but are not limited to roofs, handicap ramps, weatherization, step repair, and interior/exterior painting.
If you or maybe a family member or aging parent need some help, this is NOT to be missed. The application process is competitive so click here for the application and fill it out very soon so that you can to apply and be considered. Good luck and we are very proud to be hosting such a great community outreach group!
Harvest Dinner: If you are available on Wednesday and would like to eat a fantastic dinner at school, please consider attending the annual senior class Harvest Dinner which starts at 4:30 p.m. and runs until 7:30 p.m. The cost is $9 for adults and $7 for students/senior citizens; takeout is also available.

Thought Exchange: Last, if you were able to participate in the Thought Exchange feedback process that we started a couple of weeks ago, thank you. Anyone who provided initial feedback (over seven hundred of you) will be receiving an email from Thought Exchange soon (if you haven't already) to move on to the next part of the process. Thank you for your continued support.
Thanks and enjoy the week!