Next thing you know it is 6:35 a.m. and the snow band decided to set up shop and start dumping fluffy snow on frozen roads; awesome. Unfortunately, it was too late to delay. Buses were already out with kids on them. Everyone pulled together, including our parents and students, and we made it happen. There is only one person to blame on those kinds of mornings and it is me; plain and simple. The weather unexpectedly changed, and we got caught.
I can vividly remember the last time this happened and it was eight years ago. The high school was in and buses were out getting elementary students. I was driving from Onondaga Hill to the District Office down Onondaga Road and up ahead cars suddenly started sliding off the road. I can remember stopping at Onondaga Road Elementary to check things out. The roads had been wet but the temperature was not supposed to drop like it suddenly had. That created instant black ice. Again, too late to make a different decision. The kids all made it in, but that morning was no fun either. Ahh, Syracuse.
Planning Strategically: Besides the Friday morning commute, we had a banner week. On Wednesday and Thursday we held our annual Strategic Planning meeting. It went very well and I want to thank the staff, parent and student volunteers, and Board of Education members, and all of you who participated in our recent "Thought Exchange" for your time and effort. Once we compile all of the information, we will share it with you.
While all of this was happening, the Girls Basketball team quietly became the team to beat again in Section III, and the undefeated Boys Hockey team dropped everything to help a teammate find a lost dog (you have to take a minute to watch this story by clicking here!)
The Skaneateles Girls Ice Hockey team (with West Genesee girls on the team) won another Section III title on Sunday and is headed back to the state tournament. Congratulations!
Future Business Leaders: It wasn't just sports that crushed it last week. On Friday, the Future Business Leaders of America students participated in the regional competition at Bryant & Stratton College. Pictured with their awards are Stacy Pertuz, Machilla Johnson, Kyle Peterson, and Brendan Bresnahan as they won competitions in Job Interview, Global Business, Business Law, Impromptu Speaking, Word Processing, and Electronic Career Portfolio. Fantastic work!
Musical at the High School: Lastly, the cast and crew of the West Genesee High School Musical Anything Goes is ready for their performances on Thursday, February 8 and Friday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m., and Saturday, February 10 at 2:00 p.m. I have seen some of the rehearsals; it is going to be a great show!
Thanks for reading and enjoy the week!