Monday, March 26, 2018

Spring is Here...Almost!

Last week I asked our Athletic Director if there was going to be any way to actually keep to the spring sports schedule that was written well before March decided to host winter for a few more weeks than normal. Unfortunately, not likely for Golf, Track, Baseball, and Softball. Tennis and Lacrosse have a chance if the sun stays out and we can keep the temperature above 40 degrees this week. Not to worry though. All of the games will be played; eventually! Here is to...spring?

My wife and I were fortunate to have our boys in the same room for about twelve hours over the weekend and it was good to catch up. As they get older it is so hard to get them in the same place at the same time so you have to try to make the most out of every minute. We did learn a new board game called Catan that apparently has been around for a long time but is a current hit with twenty-somethings. I did not do well, to say the least, but we had fun!

Starting the Process: Last week we interviewed architects and are in the process of negotiating with a single firm. Once hired, they are going to get right to work to help us design the security features that will become a separate proposition on budget vote day of up to $2M (no increase in taxes). It is looking like the order of operations will be interior lock upgrades, control, camera, and threat assessment software updates and tie-ins, and front entrance work at each building. We will certainly have exact details prior to vote day for your consideration.

This project will then lead us into a larger project in the fall (also no increase to taxes) that will conclude the security upgrades and include many different items that are on our five-year facilities plan. We will share all of those details as we get closer to the fall.

Abby's Song: We often talk about extending learning and authentic learning for our students. I got to witness a classic example last week at Onondaga Road Elementary. A fifth-grade student named Abby wrote the lyrics to a song. Her music teacher, Ms. Hess, helped her to write an actual song to support the lyrics. Then, Abby got to teach her song to the third-grade chorus. I was invited to watch Abby and the third-grade chorus perform the song and it was GREAT! The working song title is "Abby's Song" which is fitting, but I am thinking that it might change as she perfects her masterpiece. Cool stuff!

Upcoming Week is Busy: This week is MEGA busy, but with great things. On Monday we get to congratulate a large group of newly inducted National Honor Society members, and that is always a great evening. Starting on Tuesday, in faculty meetings, I get to congratulate and recognize our employees who have worked 25 years or more (in five-year increments) in each building. These individuals help to make up the roots of the District and it is always my pleasure to help them to be recognized in front of their peers.

Poster for Forum
On Tuesday night I hope that you are planning on joining Ms. Coholan and me in the West Genesee High School upper gym for an evening to talk about substance use and mental wellness in children. We are also hosting the "Hidden Mischief" room, provided by the Prevention Network (please e-mail to pre-register for this portion of the evening). We did not do television advertising for this event on purpose so that we have a local and intimate crowd to be able to interact with some of the biggest names in the business.

If you are a parent of a middle through early college student, I think you will find the evening useful. In addition to two keynote speakers, and the "Hidden Mischief" room, we have breakout sessions by the Camillus Police Crisis Intervention Team members who will be speaking about mental health and substance use cases in our District and community; one of our Social Workers, Gayle Mallore, who is going to talk about mental wellness in schools; and Jordan Eubanks from Syracuse Behavioral Health who will be speaking about his time as a student user and his road to recovery. We are trying to package all of this plus tables with all of the local service providers for substance use and mental wellness in about two hours. Click here for more information about the evening. Hope to see you there!

Thursday is a little unique for me. Back when I was much younger I played guitar in a classic rock cover band. When I came to West Genesee, I found some colleagues in Mr. Mercer, Mr. Kesel, Mr. Ficarra, and Mr. Stachnik who also played or currently play music. Two years ago we performed in the high school talent show and we had a blast. We are returning to the stage this Thursday night to perform, loudly, a sing-along song or two while judges evaluate the real talent, the student performers. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. and we play at the end. Luckily, we have Friday off to recover. I am not quitting my day job for a career in rock and roll, and you will see why in just a few short days.

Thanks and enjoy the week!
