Speaking of running, and in the "I am old" category, I was running the Mountain Goat training run on Saturday morning and grooving right along. I was feeling good about everything until a younger dude ran by me WHILE TALKING ON HIS CELL PHONE. I am at an age where I really am racing against myself, but come on!

In the afternoon, Armoured One came in and did a more advanced training for 800 of our employees. It was intense; but very worthwhile. Many of our employees felt empowered after the training, and we will take those feelings and build on them in future training. The training exceeded my expectations and my personal thanks goes out to the Armoured One staff who have now become our partners in security.
Sports Schedule Expands to Sundays: You may be seeing sports played on Sundays for the rest of the sports season. I am absolutely not a fan of having any activities on Sunday, but the poor spring weather forced the Section into allowing teams to play seven days in a row if needed. Our athletic director has informed all coaches that we will only use Sundays if absolutely necessary, but I felt you should know if you see a game or practice going on through the month of May on Sunday afternoons.
#GoBlue4Kids for Child Abuse Prevention: You may also see blue and silver pinwheels around each campus. This is because our Parent Teacher groups are working with the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center on their "Go Blue for Kids" campaign during the month of April for National Child Abuse Prevention Month and raising money through the sale of pinwheels is a part of that.
Enjoy this beautiful week. I will be in the office but hope to get away here and there. If you are away, enjoy and safe travels.