Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to the New Year!

I cannot believe that we are half-way through the school year. I also cannot believe how much snow has melted in just a couple of days. There are three sump pumps in my basement and all of them have been running non-stop since New Year's Eve. It took some time to walk around the yard to look at the house after all of the snow that we had, and I noticed that both the house and yard have taken quite a beating this Winter so far. It will need some touch-up paint, roof sealer, gutter work, and some grass seed for starters.

While I was out assessing my home, I thought about how I would assess the school year so far. Financially, we are in great shape while we wait for the Governor to tell us (hopefully Wednesday) what next year is going to have in store. Academically we have made strides in every area, and there is every indication that our graduation rates will be higher than last year. The athletics and fine arts programs are moving right along and our building and grounds are in pretty good shape, considering that they are facing the same Winter that our homes have been weathering. 

The biggest work that we will have ahead will be building the budget in an environment where there really will be limited resources. In the weeks ahead I will be communicating frequently as we make decisions that will be challenging, but necessary. For now, we are going to get back to what will be a great second-half of the school year!
